Training Center
Training Center

What to do when a customer suffers a heart attack?

The record is impressive – since its foundation in 1968, Air Zermatt has completed over 55,000 rescue operations. This wealth of experience means the rescue teams at the Valais helicopter company can also share their expertise with both professionals and laypeople at the Air Zermatt Training Center. 

30. October 2023
Bruno Kalbermatten

Air Zermatt is dedicated to passing on the knowledge it has acquired over many years through experienced instructors who impart their knowledge from-life situations, authentically and with the highest level of professional competence. These tailor-made courses are coordinated at the Air Zermatt Training Center – and offered at the local, regional, national and international level. Around 20 instructors work for the Air Zermatt Training Center each year, and they share their expertise with around 1,000 course participants from all over the world. “We were delighted to welcome staff from Zermatt Bergbahnen to the Air Zermatt Training Center ATC recently for a customized first aid course,” says Leonie Biner, head of the ATC, who knows only too well that an emergency can occur at any time.

It can happen to anyone

Esther and Daniel are enjoying a long weekend in Zermatt. They’re looking forward to one of the highlights of their trip, the Matterhorn Alpine Crossing rail experience from Zermatt to Cervinia. Everything seems just right. The sun is shining. The Matterhorn is covered in a fresh layer of snow. But as Daniel boards the train, everything changes. He starts to feel nauseous. He holds his chest, turns white as a sheet and falls to the ground. His heart is racing. Esther is in a panic. What should she do? Keeping a cool head, the Zermatt Bergbahnen employee puts into practice what she learned at the Air Zermatt Training Center. She does the right thing until the emergency services arrive. First aid. How do I raise the alarm? What do I tell the emergency services?

Daniel is fine again now, thanks to the rapid and correct response by the Zermatt Bergbahnen employee.

Tailor-made training

Daniel’s story reminds us that medical emergencies or extraordinary events can happen anywhere. “The right response can save lives,” says Marc, a course participant. “This why staff at Zermatt Bergbahnen were offered a customized course by the Air Zermatt Training Center to help them save lives in critical situations.” The course was attended by 33 employees from all areas of Zermatt Bergbahnen. The first part involved providing basic information on first aid measures, tailored to events that could potentially occur at Zermatt Bergbahnen. The most important aspects of how to react in an emergency were discussed, while in the practical part participants were trained in various exercises including cardiac massage and wound dressing. This tailor-made course was not intended for ski patrol staff, who are required to complete the advanced and certified BLS-AED course also run by the Air Zermatt Training Center.

No need to fear first aid

The staff at Zermatt Bergbahnen deal with large numbers of people every day. As in Daniel’s case, emergencies can occur not only in the rescue service or on the slopes. “At Air Zermatt, we were trained by complete professionals who know exactly what they’re doing – and with an exciting and hands-on approach,” adds Marc. “Now we know exactly what to do in the event of an emergency.” Because providing the right help straight away until the emergency services arrive can save lives. Marc continues: “This training gives us the confidence that we can do the right thing as first responders in an emergency.”

The Air Zermatt Training Center offers tailor-made first-aid courses for companies – find out more here.

All prices in CHF, including VAT, excluding shipping costs.