You can find everything you need to know about our sightseeing flights of Air Zermatt here. Should you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Helicopter model
Which model of helicopter is used for sightseeing flights?
We usually use the “Ecureuil” H125 B3 model to fly you over the spectacular mountain landscape. This helicopter offers space for a maximum of five passengers.
Timing of sightseeing flights
When can I take a sightseeing flight?
Sightseeing flights are run daily from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Personal details
What information do you need for a reservation?
We need the following information to book a sightseeing flight:
- Flight duration (20, 30 or 40 minutes)
- Desired date
- Desired start time
- Number of passengers
- Cell phone number with country code
How far in advance should I book my flight?
We recommend booking the flight just a few days in advance to take the weather conditions into account as far as possible. The final decision as to whether the flight will take place can be made at very short notice, the day before or even on the same day.
I’d like to book a sightseeing flight, but the date isn’t listed on the website yet. What can I do?
Slots for sightseeing flights are published here about a month in advance.
Can I book more than one flight to be on the safe side?
We only accept one reservation per group at a time. Because we know you only want to fly in good weather, we offer flexible options for postponing or canceling without incurring cancellation fees.
Waiting list
Is there a waiting list I can put my name on in case you need to fill a flight?
We don’t have a waiting list, but you can contact us by telephone at any time to check whether flights with other passengers are available.
The weather
The weather seems uncertain. What can I do?
The weather in the mountains can change quickly. We rely on local weather reports, but can’t offer any guarantees. The decision about the flight is made at very short notice, if necessary on the same day.
How do I find out if the flight is taking place?
Please contact our dispatch team on the day before the flight, or at the latest one hour before departure, to inquire about the status of your flight. There’s no financial risk for you, as payment is only made at check-in.
My flight was canceled. What can I do?
If a flight is canceled, we’ll try to rearrange for another date of your choice, subject to availability.
Arrival at the heliport
When should I arrive at the heliport?
Please arrive at least 15 minutes before departure to handle payment and administrative matters.
Do I have to pay for the flight in advance?
Payment is made in person at check-in, right before the flight.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept cash (Swiss francs), debit or credit cards and TWINT.
Do I have to bring my voucher with me?
Please present either the original version or a digital copy of your voucher at check-in.
I've got a voucher I haven’t been able to redeem. Will I get a refund?
Vouchers are non-refundable, but we can extend your voucher by arrangement. Any credit balance you may have can be redeemed at a later date or used to purchase merchandise.
Minimum number
We haven’t reached the minimum number of four people. What can we do?
We can register your flight as an open group, and additional people will be able to register. If the minimum number of passengers is not reached, you can pay the price for four people, or postpone or cancel the flight.
How will you let me know if the minimum number of four people has been reached?
Please contact our dispatch team one day before the flight to find out the status.
Private flights
Can we book the helicopter privately for a sightseeing flight?
Yes, you can book the sightseeing flight privately by paying the price for five people. For groups of more than five people, the price is calculated per flight for five people.
Cancellation conditions
What are the cancellation conditions?
Because we know you only want to fly in good weather, we offer flexible options for postponing or canceling without incurring cancellation fees.