Air Zermatt does more than just come to your rescue – we also offer top-notch service and support for any and all kinds of transports. Whether it’s rough terrain in the backcountry or in the valley below, Air Zermatt is here for you.
Transport Flights
We help you to meet your schedule! With the efficient helicopters of Air Zermatt we fly all the construction material directly to your construction site.
Grid Maintenance
Thanks to our many years of experience, we can efficiently replace components on high-voltage power lines or on masts and are there for you 365 days a year.
Regional Program
The special offer for transporting materials with
Air Zermatt lets you save time and money.
Photo Flights
The Air Zermatt is your partner whether your project entails filming, photography, aerial surveying or accessing and supervising construction sites from the air.
Ordinance On Landing Outside Of Airports
Please respect the rules and regulations concerning flights for construction and maintenance work, as well as for tourist purposes.

Technical Department
Air Zermatt's fleet is adapted to meet the challenging and unique conditions of the Valais mountains. Each helicopter has its strengths, and our technical service means the machines are always…
Pilots / PPR / Drones
Air Zermatt takes safety seriously. Learn more about the different rules and regulations. Your safety is our top priority.